Opportunity announcement: Postdoctoral position at NUTME

The Millennium Nucleus for Ecology and Conservation of Temperate Mesophotic Reef Ecosystems (NUTME) is inviting applications for one Postdoctoral position.


The successful candidate will engage in theoretical and/or empirical research within any of the center`s focal area or research programs:

  • Functioning, connectivity, and resilience of temperate mesophotic ecosystems
  • Understanding adaptations to life in oxygen-depleted reefs and potential consequences in terms of the value of TME as refuge and seeding areas
  • Assessing fishing impacts together with fisher’s traditional knowledge of mesophotic ecosystems to guide a bottom-up management and conservation program.


This is a one (1) year renewable position starting as early as August 2024.  Salary is competitive with other postdoctoral Chilean initiatives. We invite talented researchers working in marine science themes that align with NUTME goals.  Strong statistical and analytical skills and excellent writing abilities will be positively evaluated.


Required qualifications:  PhD in marine biology/ecology/evolution/oceanography or fisheries science; proven ability to lead and publish research; fluency in English.


Location:  ECIM; Las Cruces, Chile


Application deadlineJuly 15, 2024


More information HERE



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