Estamos desarrollando una serie de iniciativas de las que queremos seas parte. ¡Revisa esta sección periódicamente y síguenos en nuestras redes sociales para mantenerte al día!.
“Tramares, tejiendo arrecifes” es una iniciativa que invita a cruzar disciplinas de las ciencias y las artes, organizada por el Núcleo Milenio NUTME y la Facultad de Matemáticas UC, con el apoyo de diversas entidades, públicas y privadas.
Les invitamos a sumarse y tejer a crochet, encontrando inspiración en las criaturas que forman bosques de animales bajo los 30 m de profundidad.
Aquí pueden ver y descargar la revista digital del proyecto, acá ponemos a disposición los tutoriales de puntos básicos de crochet.
Mesophotic reefs are hard-bottoms located at mid-latitudes and depths between 30 and up to 300 meters on the continental shelf. These environments harbor ecosystems and species particularly adapted to high pressure and low light (mesophotic) conditions. Photosynthetic processes are limited.
Mesophotic reefs may play a big role in the functioning of other marine ecosystems and influence human well-being. They provide significant and diverse goods and services, supporting fishing, waste treatment and may also represent a refuge against overexploitation. There may also be a connection between mesophotic and shallow ecosystems through larval dispersal.
We investigate all levels of ecology, from genes, species, communities to ecosystems. We are interested in their structure and functioning, habitat formation, trophic relationships, influence of the physical environment, ecosystem services and connectivity with shallow ecosystems. We assess the integrity in terms of health, possible impacts and threats from human activity and delineate conservation guidelines.
Visita nuestra sección de contacto, en este mismo sitio web.